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Can Pokémon Go be used as an intervention for patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Pokémon Go is all the craze right now. Based on this article we found on, Pokémon Go might not just be a fun game, but it could also be used as an intervention for patients with ASD.  pokemon-go

Pokémon Go and other augmentative reality games can be a unique tool for patients with ASD because it can “pique the interest of individuals with ASD to the point of giving them “excuses” or the inspiration to explore the world around them” says Dr. Peter Faustino (School Psychologist and member of the Autism Speaks Family Services Committee).

With the success of Pokémon Go, we can be certain to see more augmentative reality games in our near future. Do you think this is a good intervention to use for patients with ASD? Have you already used this with your patients? Comment below and get the conversation started!

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