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Introducing A Special Parent/Family Rate!

We are delighted that more and more therapists are engaging and enabling families to be deeply involved in the care of an individual.  Today’s parents, and family members, often face an uphill battle in gaining proper knowledge from qualified individuals — as the involved therapists do not have the time or resources to dedicate to this level of education.  We increasingly hear this is a frustration for both parents and therapists.

Due to our dedication to Sharing Knowledge, it’s also a frustrating situation for us.  We constantly hear that our national workshops would be helpful to parents and families — continuity of care, learning face-to-face with other parents and therapists, and simply being more informed are just a few of the benefits.

So today we’re responding to this need. We are very excited to announce the all new Parent/Family Rate. Starting immediately any parents or family members may attend any of our national workshops at the family-friendly rate of just $99.00!

Here’s the deal on the $99 Parent/Family Rate:

We’d love to keep this offer on the table indefinitely but we’ll only be able to if parents and families take advantage of this offer during the Spring!

Can you help get the word out? We’d appreciate you mentioning this special offer to any parents and families who could benefit.

Let us know any thoughts you have about serving parents and families (just leave a quick comment!).  We’re always looking to give back to the community that continues to support our education efforts — thanks!

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