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June Events to Highlight

Entry By: Eileen Bach, PT, M.Ed, DPT

Welcome to June!

June is the month when the weather pulls us outdoors; when we are attending graduations, weddings, barbecues and concerts and when we celebrate our Dads. There are a few unusual events recognized such as June 3rd ‘Repeat Day”, June 11th “National Hug Day”, June 15th “Smile Power Day”, June 18th “International Panic Day” and June 30th “Meteor Day”. June is also when we enjoy the Summer Solstice (on 6/21/11), the day the sun is highest in the sky at noon as well as the longest day of the year, and summer officially begins!

Two June recognition events that all of us working in healthcare can bring into the lives of our patients and clients are: National Safety Month and Home Safety Month and Prevention and Wellness Month. Working in home health care, I have a unique opportunity to see the home environment and identify specific ways to increase safety. Some safety measures will span the generations, addressing small children and older adults needs such as non-skid mats, decluttering, lighting. Here’s a top 10 list from the Home Safety Council that covers home safety areas.

Prevention and wellness is a key element in improving care outcomes and engaging patient self-care management.  Medicare offers specific advice and tips, including covered services – see details at

Resources, brochures and safety checklists to improve home safety can be found at:

Wishing everyone a wonderful summer ahead!

Eileen Bach

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