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National Autism and Occupational Therapy Month Wrap Up

flowerAs April wraps up as both National Autism Month and National Occupational Therapy Month, it is easy to reflect upon the positive attention given to each of these during the past month.  Through our blog and Facebook page, we hope that we were able to help spread visibility of these important topics.  Here are some links for additional information and resources for both Autism and Occupational Therapy:

Did you participate in any events for Autism or OT Month? Annivar Salgado, a volunteer for Autism Speaks, wrote the following poem titled “Light It Up Blue” to help spread the message of Autism Awareness this month:

Light it up blue, it’s so easy to do

Doesn’t take very long, shows how love can be strong

For the kids who we know, need support as they grow

And for families too, who are counting on you

So come lend us a hand, throughout this wondrous’ land

We can all play a part, when we give from the heart

Take a moment today, for the 1 in 88

Who each day of their lives, show such courage and pride

And when this day is through, don’t just take off the blue

Keep this light glowing bright, and continue the fight

For it won’t end today, when the blue lights all fade

It’s a journey for life, filled with joy and with strife

But today you can show, with this small little glow

That we’re never alone, in this land we call home

It’s a light within you, when we Light It Up Blue

Thank you to everyone that participated in Autism and OT Month.  We look forward to hearing about your participation in this special month here or on our Facebook page!

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