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October is National PT Month!

October marks the beginning of National PT Month – our hats off to the PT’s and PTA’s all across the country!

We’ll be bringing you PT updates here on our website and also on Facebook.  Be on the lookout for PT-focused Therapy Nuggets, links to great PT websites and more!

The APTA’s website has a set of resources (for members and the public) to celebrate the month.  You can find it here.  If you’re looking to help educate non-therapists about the world of PT’s, the APTA’s “Move Forward” campaign and website are a great tool!  Online at

Have a PT resource we can share with our community?  Or a great tip or Therapy Nugget of your own?  Consider sending us a PT Fan Nugget — you can do there here on our website.  We’ll regularly be sharing any submission via email and on Facebook and appreciate your tips!


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