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Resource – Home Care: Advancing Your Skill Set

Entry By: Eileen Bach, PT, M.Ed, DPT

For my colleagues working in home health care and counting down until the April 1st new therapy PPS requirements, you may find the resource information on this web link helpful.

Fazzi is a consultant organization who facilitated along with Delta Health Technologies, National Assn for Home Care & Hospice this forum; representatives from professional organizations such as APTA, AOTA, etc  as well as individuals from home care agencies across the country participated in the OASIS-C Best Practices Forum last year. On the Fazzi research weblink above, you can click on the National Best Practice Improvement link and open a PDF summarizing the results of the forum.

The report has some specific overall recommendations as well as details by OASIS item. The 148 page report is helpful reading if you work in home care.

Best wishes,


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