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Summer Sale: Double Discount Days!

Summer is officially here — lots of sunlight, outdoor activities and your favorite refreshing summer treats. We’re hoping to sweeten your summer by announcing our Double Discount Days!

Double Discount Days savings code: SS2010

Click to download the coupon

Here’s the deal:

1. Register now through June 25th and save $10.00 per attendee when you use the code SS2010.

2. Also, if you register for a June or July seminar, and use your code, you’ll save an additional $10.00 per attendee — it’s a double discount!

Plus, this special discount is in addition to any group or early registration discounts!

Registering via fax or mail? Download the coupon to submit with your registration.
Registering online or via phone? Simply use this discount code: SS2010.

Hurry! SPE Double Discount Days end June 25th, 2010.

Click here to search for a seminar near you.

* Please Note: Discounts only available for new registrations.  Online, phone and fax registrations must be received by 6PM CST June 25th, 2010. Mail registrations must be postmarked on or before June 25th, 2010.

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