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Summit supports online education community edWeb through Eden Autism communities

Summit Professional Education is proud to announce the sponsorship of two Eden Autism Services‘ communities located on the educator-focused, professional social networking site  As a provider of education for therapists, educators and families on Autism and other pediatric-challenges, Summit is excited to support Eden’s array of webcasts and generally support edWeb’s goal of connecting educators throughout the country.

The two sponsored communities are titled “Teaching Students with Autism”:

If you are an educator, I’d highly recommend signing up and and having a look around!  There are thousands of other educators with which to network and many broad topics on daily challenges in the education community.  We’re hoping to grow communities focused on our areas of expertise: Autism spectrum, Asperger’s, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) & Sensory Integration (SI) and many more.

Please let us know your thoughts on edWeb as a whole and Eden’s two communities.  In collaboration with some of our top instructors, we’re considering launching a broad special education community and edWeb — but we need your support to make it happen!

Are you an existing or new member of  What are your thoughts about an educator-specific, professional social networking site?  Leave us a quick comment!


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