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Talking to animals to cure stutter

Just watched a great video on CNN about a man who, as a child, suffered from a server stutter (and often “frozen mouth” as they put it in the video).  At a young age he started to talk with animals, specifically big cats, as they didn’t apply the same pressure or expectations as grown-ups did regarding his stutter.  Through this self-directed therapy he began to find internal control of his stutter and now is a fluent speaker.

Here’s the full video: Talking to animals to cure stutter

Animal therapy is something I find interesting having grown up around dogs and cats (I found animals to be great companions as a child).  The attention and love received from animals does seem to do wonders for children in a variety of therapy situations.

Do you have any experience with using animals, great or small, for therapy with children or adults?  I’m interested to hear your thoughts!

Director of Marketing

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