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The Affect of Kinesio Tape (R) on Knee Extension in Healthy Females

Posted by Steve Middleton, MS, ATC, CSCS, CES, CKTP

The purpose of this study was to determine examine the effects of Kinesio Tex tape (KT) on normal tissue. 20 female subjects were assigned to one of three groupings: facilitation taping using KT’s post-ACL taping protocol, placebo taping (cross-fiber) or no taping. The peak quadriceps torque was then examined using isokinetic testing to determine peak torque both concentrically and eccentrically at 60 and 240 degrees/second.

The results suggest that application of KT on the anterior surface of the thigh, in the direction of vastus medialis, laterallis and rectus femoris fascia may increase the eccentric muscle strength (isokinetic eccentric peak torque) in healthy adults. It is not clear yet, if the results presented in this study, are related to skin or fascia mechanoreceptors, or to the biomechanical support of the muscle through the application of the tape at the direction of the fascia. It is not also known, if the increased muscle contraction observed immediately after the positioning of KT last for a long duration. These questions require further researches directed at the efficacy of KT for the relief of pain, the improvement of microcirculation and the decrease of muscle spasm > from Vithoulka et al.; Isokinetics and Exercise Science 18 (2010) 1-6. All rights reserved to IOS Press and the authors.

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