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Walk Now for Autism Speaks: The Wrap-up!

Many of the Summit team members, along with family and friends, participated in Nashville’s “Walk Now for Autism Speaks” event on Saturday, September 10, 2011 — an event benefiting Autism Speaks and their outreach programs.  We had a great time mingling with families affected by Autism and enjoyed participating in such a strong community!

Autism Speaks raised nearly $26 million in 2010 through similar events with Nashville’s walk pitching in about $175,000 last year.  I’m sure that this year’s walk was just as much of a success!  Click here to visit the Walk Now website to find a walk near you!

Summit had the opportunity to be a sponsor of the Nashville walk this year and we’re looking to be involved in years to come.  It’s exciting for us to be a part of such a great organization serving so many families across the US.  Here are a few pictures of the event.  Are you participating in any of the 2011 Autism Speaks events?  Share your stories and thoughts below!



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