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Why Live Workshops?

We’ve had such great response to our Live Webcasts and On-demand Products that we’ve asked ourselves, why live? Well, from our point of view, we’re simply interested in providing a great CE experience: top-notch content from top-level instructors. And we feel the best way to get this combo is via one of our live workshops.

While we believe strongly in online/on-demand education, there are five main reasons why we believe live workshops are, and should remain, a cornerstone in the continuing education world.

1. There’s simply no replacement for face time. Even though our amazing webcast technology allows you to see the presenting instructor in real-time video along with their PowerPoint presentation (or other visual aids), there’s just another level of engagement that comes from being in the same physical space.  Feeling the energy of an instructor and their passion for a topic are two examples.

2. Up-to-the-minute content updates. Often with a pre-recorded product you’re left to wonder “is there something new that isn’t included?”  While we’ll never sell you out-of-date on-demand or CD/DVD products, the best route for up-to-the-minute information is a live workshop!  If breaking news in your industry occurs the night before the workshop (or even day of), your instructor will be able to modify their presentation immediately to include important new information.

3. Q&A time with top instructors. Have a specific case that isn’t typical or where expected results just aren’t happening?  During a live workshop, you’re essentially gaining free access to a top level instructor who can provide some guidance (not to mention the other professionals in the room… see #5).  All Summit instructors leave time at the end of the workshop to discuss any questions — so ask away!

4. Hands-on lab and exercises. The practical, immediately useful information you’re most interested in often comes from hands-on activities at a live workshop (especially in the therapy world).  While viewing a certain technique is a good way to learn, practicing it with an expert present is a great way to learn.

5. Networking with other professionals. In your world of helping others achieve more productive lives, discussing what’s worked for others (and what hasn’t) is a great tool.  You might come to a live workshop for the content and CEU’s, but leave with a list of new local associates, referrals and friends!

Your Thoughts?

How have your live workshop experiences been?  If you’ve recently attended a Summit workshop, would you agree with the above?  Are other CE providers, who’s live workshops you’ve attended, also focused on the above areas?

Let us know!  And thanks for considering Summit Professional Education for your CE and education needs.

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