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Yoga Modifications for Physical Therapy

yogaDid you know that there are multiple aspects of Yoga that can be related to physical therapy? Yoga is typically thought of to be for individuals that are “healthy “or “normal”, however, with some modifications yoga can be effective for all.

According to a recent article in Advance magazine, “Like other branches of modern medicine, the field of physical therapy is finally waking up to the wisdom and relevance of Yoga. The paradigm that Yoga is for the able-bodied, healthy individual is being shifted, and Yoga asanas (Physical movements and poses) and Pranayamas (Breathing techniques) are increasingly applied as a therapeutic tool in physical therapy clinics. Traditional Yoga is modified to accommodate the patient’s medical condition, age, body type, work/activity and mechanism of injury or disease processes.”

Are you using yoga in your practice? Tell us your story here or on our Facebook page!

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