Other Professionals

Summit Live Courses provide unique and specialized knowledge that satisfy the CEU needs of a wide range of professionals. What every professional can expect from Summit is interactive, innovative CE content with real world applications that gives you the continuing education you want.

athletic trainer Athletic Trainers

Athletic Trainers (ATs) play an vital role in the care of athletes. ATs provide management, prevention and recovery assistance to athletes of all ages. Athletic trainers also collaborate with doctors and Allied Health professionals in providing emergency care and follow-up care and treatment programs. Summit provides courses specifically focused on sports medicine and rehab for ATs working along side physical therapists for overall athlete success.

educator Educators

Special education teachers work along side physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech language pathologists, as part of a multidisciplinary team serving students with disabilities. Summit provides courses for educators to assist with cognitive and physical challenges of their students with the goal of improving outcomes in coordination with other Allied Healthcare therapists.

other professionals Other Professionals

Summit courses provide unique and specialized knowledge that satisfy the CEU needs of a wide range of professionals, from Mental Health Professionals to Healthcare Administrators, and from Massage Therapists to Athletic Trainers. What every professional can expect at a Summit course is highly interactive, innovative CE content with real world applications that gives you the continuing education you want.

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