2012 CMS Rules for Home Care are Final

Entry By: Eileen Bach, PT, M.Ed, DPT CMS has released the final PPS rules for home health care. Link and brief summary posted here. The 2012 CMS Home Care PPS rules can be found at: www.ofr.gov/OFRUpload/OFRData/2011-28416_PI.pdf. Medicare Program; Home Health...

Additional Q&A from CMS

Entry By: Eileen Bach, PT, M.Ed, DPT Pasted below is from National Association for Home Care and Hospice (NAHC) who posted the question and answer from CMS regarding single therapy in terms of 30 days/13th visit re-assessment. This only reinforces the importance of...

CMS Therapy Q&A Updated

Entry By: Eileen Bach, PT, M.Ed, DPT Hello, home care therapists! In the past few days, CMS updated the written questions and answers for therapy. A new 16th question/answer was added regarding 30 day re-assessments. You can access this information by going to...

Info on FDA Site: Home Medical Use Device

Entry By: Eileen Bach, PT, M.Ed, DPT The FDA site noted here has some helpful information. http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/      The case study for July is pasted below. Best regards,   Eileen Bach Case Study of the Month The FDA encourages consumers and health care...