Stroke Recovery – PSS

By: Ron Sheppard, OTD, OTR/L, C/NDT, FABDA There are approximately 795,000 individuals having a stroke each year just in the United States alone, and it is classified as the fifth leading cause of death. As an Occupational Therapist specializing in the treatment of...

World Occupational Therapy Day

October 27th is World Occupational Therapy Day   By: Victoria Wood, OTR/L   To celebrate World Occupational Therapy Day, a definition is in order.  When the word “occupation” is mentioned, people commonly think about jobs.  However, the meaning of occupation...

Fall Prevention

Fall Prevention    By: Tori Goldhammer, MS, OTR/L, ATP, ECHM, CAPS, LMT   The National Council on Aging (NCOA) chooses the first day of fall for the annual Fall Prevention Awareness Day...

Raising Awareness of Pain

September: Pain Awareness Month Raising Awareness of Pain By: Kimberly Breeden, MS, OTR/L The American Chronic Pain Association (ACPA) recognizes September as Pain Awareness Month with many organizations working to raise public awareness of pain and it’s impact. The...