Written By: Stephanie Johnson, PT


As therapists, we are often tasked with juggling the guidelines of various national agencies while promoting best practices to meet patient goals. The same is true for infant care and the diagnoses that are prevalent in our practice: torticollis, plagiocephaly, and developmental delay to name a few. I am often asked for a list of the best things to do to promote safe sleeping while ensuring optimal development which is handout-friendly for parents. Here is that list that combines the NIH recommendations for safe sleep and promoting development from a therapy perspective! Feel free to use this in your practice.

1) An infant should be placed on his/her back while sleeping until independently rolling both back to stomach and stomach to back.

2) An infant should have his/her own sleeping environment with a firm sleep surface (crib, bassinet, play yard) where they sleep alone.

3) Nothing soft or plush should be put in the baby’s sleeping area like heavy, thick blankets, pillows or stuffed animals.

4) A baby should not sleep in an adult bed, on the couch or in a recliner due to the risk of suffocation.

5) A baby should not sleep in a car seat, swing or bouncer due to the risk of closing off the airway.

6) Give the baby ample free time to play on a flat surface. Change baby’s position throughout the day. Equal time spent on back, stomach and sides to ensure a round head and to promote development.

7) Carry your baby around in your arms, on your hip or in any of the various back/front baby carriers to promote development of neck and back strength, vision and the balance sense.

By reviewing these key points of the Safe Sleep recommendations, you have the opportunity to assess the parent’s practice at home and open the conversation to making modifications where necessary to keep babies safe. I always take a moment to ask these questions during the evaluation and review the safe sleeping practices. What you know could save a baby’s life!

Remember variety is the key to promoting development and reducing the risk of torticollis and plagiocephaly. It is also vital for a well-balanced system of strength and mobility. Encouraging the parents of your patients to change a baby’s position throughout the day works to incorporate all of those key components to more complex skills as babies progress through their milestones.

Want more information? Attend my upcoming Summit Live Stream, Infant Positioning Strategies, on October 21, 2024 and walk away with a wealth of tools and knowledge to use immediately in the clinic. Also, feel free to contact me at stephanie@compassptinc.com.


Visit https://safetosleep.nichd.nih.gov/ for more resources on the Safe Sleep program.


CLICK HERE to view Stephanie Johnson’s Instructor Page.



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Potential food allergens in school crafts & Supplies. Kids with Food Allergies. (2024, January 26). https://kidswithfoodallergies.org/living-with-food-allergies/planning-for-school/potential-food-allergens-in-school-crafts-and-supplies/

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